Quality is an essential factor for or against making a purchase or placing an order. In addition to pure product quality, consumers are increasingly demanding customer-oriented service.
For their “Highest Quality” study, the F.A.Z. Institute and IWMF evaluated the online responses of 22,000 companies as well as e-mail questionnaires about quality features, complaints, quality controls, service accessibility, service handling, resolution of concerns, service quality, quality certificates, quality management and quality improvement: PLANWORX offers “Highest Quality”.
Yet, it was not enough to shine in only one of the subject areas! Each of the dimensions considered feeds into the measurement of overall performance. 15% of the performance evaluation are respectively based on product & service, customer satisfaction, innovation, environmental sustainability, and recommendation, while 25% rating goes to quality. As industry winner, PLANWORX received 100 points, now setting the benchmark for all other companies examined within the industry.